2013. "The Pill Hustle: Risky Pain Management for a Gunshot Victim." Social Science & Medicine.
2012. "Wounded: Life After the Shooting." ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
2011. "Moving the Crowd, 'crowding' the emcee: The coproduction and contestation of black normativity in freestyle rap battles." Discourse & Society (with H. Samy Alim and Lauren Mason).
2010. 'Blowing Up' at Project Blowed: Rap Dreams and Young Black Men in Black LA: American Dreams and Racial Realities. New York: NYU Press.
2010. "'Short Fried-Rice-Eating Chinese MCs' and 'Good-Hair-Havin-Uncle Tom Niggas': Performing Race and Ethnicity in Freestyle Rap Battles." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (H. Samy Alim and Lauren Mason).
2009. "Battlin' on the Corner: Techniques for Sustaining Play." Social Problems.
- Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Community and Urban Sociology Section
- Graduate Student Paper Award, SSSP Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Section
- Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Crime, Law, and Deviance Section (2nd Place)
2009. "Escaping Embarrassment: Face-Work in the Street Rap Cipher." Social Psychology Quarterly.
- Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Social Psychology Section (Honorable Mention)
- E-SPQ online: http://www.asanet.org/journals/spq/e-‐spq.cfm
2009. "Open Mic: Professionalizing the Rap Career." Ethnography
2008. "Gangsta Rap" in The Encyclopedia of Social Problems ed Vincent Parrillo. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
2007. "Exploring Multiple Dimensions of Race and Violence in Los Angeles" International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (review essay).